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ich arbeite gerade an einem dringend notwendigen Relaunch dieses Weblogs. Ab Oktober 2016 werden Sie diese Seiten hoffentlich in einem neuen Gewande und mit zusätzlichen Inhalten erleben.

Mit besten Grüßen,

Thomas Ernst

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Kategorie: In eigener Sache (Metablog) |

About Thomas Ernst

Thomas Ernst is Professor of Modern German Literature at the University of Antwerp. He also works at the University of Amsterdam and holds a venia legendi on Media and Cultural Studies/German Studies at the University of Duisburg-Essen. His research focuses on the construction of identities, images of Germany and Europe, multilinguality and transcultural spaces in Austrian and German literature; on experimental and subversive Austrian and German literatures in the 20th and 21st century; and on the digital transformation of media and its cultural effects (literature and social media; intellectual property rights; digital publishing). His publications include books on “Popliteratur” (2001/2005), “Literatur und Subversion” (2013) and numerous papers that have been published in international magazines and book series with peer-review. At the moment, he is working on a monograph on literature and social media.

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